30 Jan 2021
Sunny Whale Reflect
A mood campinion app to boost mental awareness and well-being. Fullstack web application for both desktop and mobile. Launched as part of the mental awareness week campaign during my presidential term in my junior year of highschool.
- Express backend
- MongoDB Atlas (DaaS)
- Mongoose Schema & Driver connector
- Vue.js V2 Client SPA
- JWT for auth
- Heroku for PaaS
- Github CI/CD
Daily Reflections and Moments
Jot down the highlights of your day and track your overall productivity and happiness along with a cover image
to visually summarise the day.
Unsplash API
Production ready and approved Unsplash API integration for cover images, powered by a text search.
Google OAuth Login
Seamless integration with Google OAuth using access and refresh tokens to authenticate and authorize users on the platform.
A visual representation of the user’s past week compiled by number of reflection, moments and overall productivity and happiness scores for the week. Inspired by music scapes for Spotify.