an image

30 Jan 2021

Sunny Whale Reflect


A mood campinion app to boost mental awareness and well-being. Fullstack web application for both desktop and mobile. Launched as part of the mental awareness week campaign during my presidential term in my junior year of highschool.



Daily Reflections and Moments

Jot down the highlights of your day and track your overall productivity and happiness along with a cover image to visually summarise the day. Daily Highlight Daily Highlight 2

Unsplash API

Production ready and approved Unsplash API integration for cover images, powered by a text search. Unsplash API

Google OAuth Login

Seamless integration with Google OAuth using access and refresh tokens to authenticate and authorize users on the platform. Login Page


A visual representation of the user’s past week compiled by number of reflection, moments and overall productivity and happiness scores for the week. Inspired by music scapes for Spotify. Mood Scape